Emotional Issues: loss and grief, traumatic memories, etc

Emotional Issues: loss and grief, traumatic memories, etc

Therapists who solve this problem

Valerie Robins

Valerie Robins

Advanced hypnotherapist

Specialist in working with addictions, excess weight, bad habits and self-confidence

  • General Hypnotherapy Standards Council


Alena, Russia

I’ve started working with Katerina as I had realised I really needed to understand myself better. So I started this new chapter of my life.

Initially I was a bit apprehensive, as I didn’t know (as many people do) what hypnosis was and how it worked.

Now, having been through the process I can say that it’s quite an unusual experience with an amazing result which I didn’t even think was possible. I’m still in the process of digesting it and letting it sink, but I can say already that thanks to the therapy I was able to uncover my hidden treasures and get rid of some deeply rooted issues that had been hinging my progress.

Thank you ever so much Katerina for the work that you did!

Justina, UK

Katerina is incredibly professional and empathic. I would recommend her services to anyone who is faced with a problem that seems to be too difficult to deal with. She will guide you through mental and emotional cleansing process that leads to empowering and getting rid of old demons. After the therapy I feel so much more peaceful, happy and in control. Thank you ever so much!

Ekaterina, Russia

Thank you so much for the sessions! 

I can’t say I’ve discovered much of unknown in my past — having read lots of books and done lots of self-analysis everything was pretty clear to me. However I was totally lacking the understanding of what to do next and how to move on with my life.

Some sessions were more difficult that others, but the structure of the therapy keeps you in, and later sessions help to harmonise everything and it all pays in the end.

My issue has dramatically reduced, and the changes keep coming even 2 weeks after the therapy was over. Day by day I notice more and more positive changes, and they help me feel joy and be optimistic about my future.

Christina, UK

I’d like to say thank you to Katerina Furman and I highly recommend her services.

I got in touch in March 2019 and she estimated I would need 4 or 5 sessions. Turned out I needed 6, and I could see no result after the first 4 sessions.

I would like to encourage those in similar situation — don’t give up and carry on! I noticed progress after session 5 and the problem was completely gone after session 6!

When I compare the time or money required for this approach with what I spent on usual therapy, the choice is obviously in favour of hypnosis. 

I haven’t been able to figure out how exactly it works, but it actually doesn’t matter. 

What really matters is my emotional wellbeing: I’m always positive, I no longer have thoughts about committing suicide, about being cursed and other rubbish. If you’ve ever lived on an emotional roller coaster, you know what I mean — it may only take 30 min to move from feeling excited to feeling tearful, hysterical and then turning into apathy.

Our work has finished mid April, and it’s been 3,5 months that I’ve been living in a positive state of mind. 

Hypnosis works!

John, UK

I am so grateful to have found Katerina. She has without a doubt changed my life and it was very easy. The method has instant results. It is astonishing how in a couple of hours we can discover the reason for some inner pain and resolve it at the same time. If everyone could do this therapy the world would be a better place.

Anna, Italy

Katerina, thank you ever so much for your help and your professionalism. By the time I came to work with you my skin issue had seemed totally unresolvable. I had been grim, lost joy of life, had been feeling confused and not accepting myself. 

After our work everything has miraculously changed.

It took quite some effort to fix the broken connection between me and my feelings. I’m still working at it, but now I know that my feelings do exist, they are varied and it’s great. I can finally live in peace with myself.

Everything that I now understand I owe to our work. Hypnosis does work! But it’s not just a click of fingers and the person changes.

Katerina and I have worked with some basic things, like confidence, self-love, personal boundaries, physical touch in my family and many other things. I managed to significantly improve the quality of my life in just a few sessions.

Now I understand myself much better, I’m really confident in myself and I express my thoughts and feelings much easier, and I have such a great contact with myself and my kids, too. And as a result, my skin looks so much better now.

All the changes happen very gradually and almost hard to notice. But there comes a moment when you realise that your problem is simply gone. 

Now I feel a lot happier and freer. My life has changed. I live here and now.

Thank you ever so much Katerina.

Nadejda, Germany

Katerina, i thank you personally and thank my fortune that made us meet. My psychological state changed completely and remembering the past does not cause pain, grief or pity anymore. My fears are gone. I stopped worrying about uncertainty of my current position. I feel much more at ease. You noticed clearly my fears and grievances (they were aplenty) and defined the most "bitter" ones which we had to start with. Your sessions feel very professional and you love your job - this sparks confidence and peace of mind. Subconsiously, I felt there is a friend nearby who tries to guide you to heal and relax, and it works. Katerina, you are like a good fairy: you teach whoever could not resolve their fears or pain from losses, etc, etc, by themselves how to leave the negative behind, clear their brain and feel reborn like a Phoenix. To LIVE again and not simply exist, to BE and not only appear, to LOVE and TRUST. 


Esther, UK

I did not know anything about you when I booked an appointment with you. I was worried if I could manage all the issues I wanted to resolve. Got to say: my internal changes exceeded all my expectations - thank you very much Katerina. I even could not imagine that my "cauldron" was so full with useless regrets and tragedies, it was boiling over. We managed to empty it! And now I "discovered" your Instagram and that's grand! Starting today I will start filling my "cauldron" with magic. It's a great feeling: not only to resolve issues that drag you down but also to set out on your own way, a road where you decide your life and build your own happiness. Thank you Katya fro your well structured sessions of hypnosis and for your wonderful Insta lessons.

Miriam, UK

Katerina, thank you very much for helping me to deal with some psychological issues. 

What i liked about our sessions is your to the point approach. I was also impressed with the results, after each session i felt a bit tired on the same day and then relieved from the following days. I feel much lighter and also happy to know that there is a cure for mental issues.

I am for sure going to reach out to you in the days / months to come when and if i feel under and as you know i have recommended you to my close friends.

Thank you for your help!

Ekaterina, London

Just 2 months ago I felt I reached the bottom: i had panic attached one after another, even in my sleep. I had a choose whether to start there and adapt to swallowing pills to drag on with the existence or push against the bottom to launch up!

So, Katerina Furman of Fuller Life Hypnosis was my launch pad to the World where there is no place for pain, panic or worries. Into the World I'm Loving!!!

Thank you for your talent, your professionalism and choosing your profession.